Characteristics of a good medium
The one you chat or call with, first gives you a good picture of the situation you are in, that is for you a sense of regcognition and gives you confidence she can feel what is happening right now in your life. If she can, she can also predict your future.
It gives you a good feeling. After that, you can ask more questions, but don’t talk to much about yourself. You want the answers, don’t give the answers.
Further it is important, open yourself up if you start a conversation. Otherwise the medium can’t feel you in the right way and will give you wrong answers.
How do you know you have a chat or a call with the best one?
1. A good one doesn’t want to receive too much information from you.
2. A good one doesn’t ask questions or ask for confirmation.
3. A good one provides clear answers that you understand and that you can use. The answers don’t raise more question marks.
4. A good one is aware that you are the customer and doesn’t talk about herself.
5. A good one dares to hold up a mirror to you and give you the truth.
6. The questions you ask, you will receive directly an answer. If not, know that the one you talk to is thinking about possibilities and don’t know the answers.
7. After the chat or the call you feel satisfied.
When you feel inscecure and afraid for what will come, take a deep breath before you start to call or to chat. That is important, then you are concentrated. Otherwise you have heard a lot, but you can’t remember what.
Also know, that some things that are been said, maybe you don’t understand directly, later on, you will see, that all the answers you get, will become true later on. If you don’t hear what you will hear, will not say you have spoken someone who is not the best.
If you are obsessed by what you want to hear, and the medium doesn’t give you that answer, will not say, you have spoken to someone who is not good. Many of you start chatting or calling several different ones, that is Ok, but they all will predict something else. That is what you maybe will think. But in a while you will see, good ones give the same answers only in a different way.
For you it is important to see the big picture. If you can see that, that will give you trust. Try to open yourself up, also for the insights. That is very important, because the will also tell you the way to walk. That path to walk is very important. Most of the time whe think the whole day about what we want, while the best way is to let go.