If you want a lasting relationship consider the following things

If you want a lasting relationship consider the following thingsThere is no one who says, I will only marry for as long as it lasts. Everyone gets married or starts living together with the intention of making it a lasting relationship. But how does that work, what do you need for that. Do you have to do something for that? Certainly, only with love can you no longer maintain a lasting relationship.

What should you pay attention to and how do you proceed to get a lasting relationship together? After all, two are needed. The basis for a lasting relationship stands and falls with confidence, but starts with having self-confidence.

As a person, you cannot build without self-confidence. Because in a relationship it is expected that yes, based on that self-confidence, you dare to say everything, do not put a blind eye. Trust is needed to build together. If you don’t trust each other, you shouldn’t get married. You will then ask yourself everything at every step the other takes. Does not benefit you, you walk on eggs and become more and more suspicious. And for the relationship itself, you will see that it is completely undermined. you will always subject the other to a barrage of questions. Before it goes somewhere and when it returns.

Without trusting each other, you cannot fully open yourself to the other. you build a wall between each other, as it were. a relationship cannot sustain this. So the first requirement is, don’t let anything violate trust from the start, but know that for this you need confidence.

Another important point is intimacy. Are you on the same wavelength at this point? If that is not the case, this can become a stumbling block in the relationship. There are different dimensions in a relationship when we talk about intimacy, physical, mental, emotional and intellectual.

Doing things together and continuing to enjoy them together, the 4 dimensions of intimacy must have similarities. Otherwise you will be confronted with this later.

Another important point to make a relationship sustainable is self-knowledge. To what extent do you know yourself and how you react to certain things. are you very controlling, punctually you need someone who also benefits. We sometimes say two opposites attract each other and that is right. But dealing with it in a relationship requires certain communication skills. And we often do not own them. the human being tends towards the negative, comes through the ego.

If you expect something from each other, then communication can be hostile, this does not benefit a lasting relationship. It is precisely the power of two different people to grow together and leave each other in their value and to accept what they are.

But you must be able to talk about it and learn from each other without reproaching each other. Because then you actually say. I do not accept you as you ebb, I want you to change and do more as I would like to see it.

What is certainly not unimportant is how you deal with major decisions that must be made. Can you talk about this in a good way, you have the capacity to listen to each other and make decisions. Do you understand that sometimes the one sometimes has to add some water to the wine and the other the other.

Two people are always different and the trick is to avoid conflicts together. A disagreement is not a problem, but coming out with proper consultation and understanding will automatically lead to a lasting relationship.

Do you find it difficult to position yourself in a relationship, have a number of relationships already gone wrong? Then try a conversation with a Mastermedium, you can learn to ensure that the next relationship does become a lasting one.
