The consequences of an over-stimulated society

We go quickly through the morning ritual, often always in a hurry and we get stuck in traffic, where we are annoyed by the stagnation, the driving behavior of others and soon make a few phone calls for our work.

Music blares from the radio, horns are pressed. When we park our car at work, we are actually exhausted and the day has yet to begin. We quickly pick up the phone again, to check all messages.

We are overloaded with information throughout the day. During the coffee moment we talk to colleagues, we quickly read the news and we continue. by the time it is lunch, we have already sat yawning behind our desk and we hope that the day will soon be over.

We are flooded and clogged up. At a certain point our head is so full that we yearn for peace. Giving ourselves that, yes, with a telephone in our hand. All this ensures that we are constantly busy, that time becomes our enemy and that we are losing sight of reality. We live in a fantasy world that is no longer real.

That which we occupy ourselves with all day long has hidden messages, also called incentives, that we have to process. But we don’t have the time. In fact, we no longer take the time for it.

When is something enough, you may wonder. What image do you still have of yourself, if you are constantly overwhelmed by images of others. you will not lose yourself as a result!

Yes indeed and we see the consequences around us. Many who become overworked because they do not allow themselves, or want to measure themselves against someone else.

Away from reality, we turn life into a great ideal, which we try to pursue with all our might. Walking completely past ourselves, wanting to meet a standard that others impose on us.

It is time for a change. it is time for a good conversation with a medium or consultant from Mastermedium. it will help you to find inner peace again. it will show you how beautiful you are when you are yourself. You don’t have to follow the crowd. Then you lose yourself. you have to walk your own life path. If you do not do that, you will encounter yourself sooner or later.

Dare to give your life meaning again. Dare to choose quality of life. put the phone away and go take the time for someone else by visiting. By reading a good book that gives you peace of mind and can enrich you.

Life is not an exterior, it’s your interior that counts. Your soul needs you, not all those external stimuli.

If you start living outside of reality and take in all the stimuli all day long, your own spiritual development and consciousness will stand still. Then you really come across yourself once. Then the light goes out.

Be that for and change your lifestyle, by becoming real again, becoming yourself and choosing quality of life in the now.