The one calls it loneliness the other calls it time for itself

The one calls it loneliness the other calls it time for itselfSo many people, so many wishes, so many differences. Every person experiences life differently. Every person sees things differently. It is incredibly clever for that reason that we can still live together so peacefully.

There must be something that we can do as human beings. That is called awarding, we all have that in ourselves. But being touched by life, shaped by life, we can lose it. If that happens, we will not allow ourselves so much anymore and those people will often experience it as loneliness.

Left behind, nobody wants them. You see, it is because of me, even though I am doing my best, although I show the other person what I can do, I continue to be rejected. They are not coming, I am not counting. I am in no way important to this world.

When this person comes home after a day of hard work, sleeps on the couch, the thoughts are not focused on gratitude and satisfaction. They are envious and come from the ego. This person has lost connection with himself and lays it down with all those who have already rejected him in the course of his life.

That you then start thinking that way, logically, but there is another way. Restore the connection with yourself, that you allow yourself life again. That you come to the discovery that when it comes to life, the only thing you can really count on is yourself.

As long as you are able to mingle with people, despite what you have experienced, you yourself are responsible for dealing with loneliness. You can sit down for a while after a broken relationship. Or someone who hurt you. But make sure you get up again at a given moment, put your shoulders under it and say to yourself. So it has been enough, I am not stuck in solitude. On to gratitude and satisfaction.

I choose help with that from my lazy couch. I choose a few good conversations with a medium or psychic that I found on Mastermedium. Mediums are those who always offer a listening ear, but also give you a blast when needed. They literally set you back in motion and you see that you really are the one who evokes loneliness in themselves.

Your thoughts largely determine how or how you feel. If after a day of hard work your thoughts are in a state of, you see, nobody cares about me, that has an effect on your whole being. If, after a hard day’s work, you fall down on the couch with a sense of satisfaction from everything you’ve done that day. This also has an effect on your whole being.

It’s up to you what you want to choose and I would know. Yes, there are people who have hurt you, but as long as you hold on to it, these people will still determine your life. As long as you still allow yourself to suffer because of the thoughts about this, they still have you under their control.

And the clock is ticking or you are not aware of it. Each adult person is essentially left to his own destiny. Others may be there for you, but cannot solve your problems and thoughts about something. You can’t ask someone, just make sure that my thoughts that I have now disappear.

See where things often go wrong, with ourselves and as soon as you are aware of it, something changes. Then you fall down on that couch with an empty head, because you see that a full head stops you, energy does not flow through and you do not move forward.

You now start to give yourself life again. Dare to go for it, do not be afraid what is waiting for you, you have support, a lot of support, to yourself!