You are always where you need to be

You are always where you need to beJust think about it, you’re always where you need to be. You are always exactly in the right place. It is you who do not think so. But you are always at the right time, in the right place and you do the right thing, even if it doesn’t feel right to you.

If you start believing this and going to live, life suddenly becomes so different. you will no longer oppose, you will accept and let go. you start to feel free and make choices, based on the place as it is at that moment. you are the center and you have all sides to go. You don’t have to stay where you are.

And we often do that, we attach ourselves to a place, to the people around us, we call this connecting, but it is not, because we do not realize that we attach ourselves in the wrong way. As soon as you find yourself that you are not in the right place, you start working against it. You want things to change, but nothing around you will change, as long as you are not the change. For that reason you are now exactly where you need to be.

All you do not want to be there, because you do not feel happy or satisfied. You have other images with it, you want it to be different and you are busy asking yourself, I want it to be right. You do not see that it is already good and you continue to look for good.

But this way there will never be a good one, because it is not good now, so it is never good. Because what you want to be good does not exist, because you do not accept where you are now that it is good.

We do not accept it, we always want better, different and certainly when something changes, or when we lose something, we panic completely. And then you want to say that you are not attached to anything? You certainly are and you will find out when the change strikes and you are unable to look at it in the right way.

You didn’t think it was good, so you asked for change. But you did not specify exactly what you wanted, so the universe has given you something and you know that you always get the best from the universe. Only you don’t see it. You see it as a loss. you experience it as terrible, because you cannot accept and see that where you are right now, is everything you need and everything there has to be.

Call a Mastermedium medium or psychic and ask about your future. The medium or the psychic will give you that. Then you can do two things. So sit down and wait for it to come, so it will never come, or believe in it and trust that it will come. And start taking steps for it. Meanwhile, understand that all there is is to guide you to that divine destiny.

If you understand this, it will come, that blissful feeling that you are looking for. Because that’s the change.

The change is a different way of thinking and making it apply. Then the change comes, then satisfaction and gratitude take its place. You are looking for that, but you have always searched the wrong way and looked and thought.

Now you know better, especially after that good consultation with the Mastermedium medium. That has opened your eyes. Now you will never have to change it again, now you know that the place where you are now is the only right one for the moment. Satisfied, you lean back, everything can be there.