Me-time is it really necessary

Me-time is it really necessaryIn a fleeting world where we not only demand that others go fast, but also ourselves, the time for yourself is lost. Always run, fly, never give your head a rest, or do something where you empty your head, we cannot make it in this fleeting and superficial world.

For that reason, me-time. How do you grab diet time for yourself. Plan that in your agenda or allow yourself to be filled in naturally. Actually that last one. Because if it becomes a mandatory number in your agenda, then you will notice that you are not yet due to yourself. You will then do things for yourself, but often these are jobs that still need to be done.

Quickly, then time for myself, you think, and in the meantime the clock clicks on. Worry that too little time is left for yourself. As a human being, we shouldn’t be talking about me-time at all.

We should turn life around. From a resting position, doing things and now we do it the other way around, that’s why we live in such a hurry and hectic way. We have no idea what peace is.

We are gradually losing sight of time and on the other hand we are making time much too important. There is, in fact, only one time and that is the time from the moment of birth until your death. Not knowing how much time you have been awarded you can experience life running and flying. Or you experience life and consciously consider everything you do and enjoy every step you take. But that includes a contemplative way of life.

And let’s not own it that often. There is a reason for that. We were encouraged to focus on the outside and little or no attention was paid to the inside. The consequence of this is that you cheerfully participate in what society tells you. But is that good for you. Fits and belongs to you. Can you handle that pressure?

Because what happens when you focus on the outside? You will compare yourself with others. you want to be like others. you want to do like others. Those influencers influence your behavior. They all also want to earn money and take a break somewhere. In the meantime you are losing yourself, me time disappears completely in the background.

And then, something happens in your life that makes you stand still. Which makes you sad and disappointed. Because what you were served turns out not to be true in real life.

You discover that you have been lied to and not just a little. They have presented you with a greasy fish that you have been running at the back and now there is a bubble bursting apart. You have done well as you have been told and now you are discovering that you have not done at all as you would have wanted.

The disillusionment is great, but there is hope, now you start to look, think and do differently and that is your salvation. Then you no longer schedule me time, you always have me time and time for the rest.

You have learned a lot from the conversations you have had recently with a Mastermedium medium. It has opened your eyes. It indicated where you stood with yourself and if you continued like this you would have burned out at the age of 50.

That made you think and now you know better. First you and then the rest.